UBC International MBA Residency

Showcasing the student experience and program value propositions

The UBC International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) is a 20-month, part-time MBA program delivered by the UBC Sauder Robert H. Lee Graduate School in collaboration with the Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Project overview

IMBA students fly from China to stay in Vancouver, BC for a two-week residency. During the residency, they have classes with UBC Sauder faculty, complete case studies, gain career development skills, and expand their international network through events and fun activities.

My role


Produce video, communications, and social media content to recap and celebrate the IMBA residency student experience. Showcase the IMBA highlights and benefits and increase awareness of the program.


Featured student voices to highlight key program benefits. Managed the production of student-generated content such as a day-in-the-life social media reel, photos, and videos to develop relatable, authentic content that resonates with the audience. Directed the production of a 3-minute recruitment video, planning and conducting interviews with staff, faculty, and students.

Aligned messaging and content with the goals and values of the target audience, with a focus on career outcomes, international networking opportunities, the school reputation, Vancouver's culture and lifestyle, and the quality of the faculty and instruction.

Established cross-functional collaboration and alignment between marketing and subject matter experts. Coordinated and facilitated effective communication between the marketing and IMBA program management teams to determine the optimal messaging, content, and distribution channels and create a cohesive strategy.


Coordinated two teams, external videographers, and IMBA students to create video and photo content and a school news article that were shared on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WeChat, and Weibo. Achieved a 108% increase in the recruitment video click-through-rate compared to the previous version. Gained over 20,500 organic social media impressions.